Leave a review - get 5 months subscription!


Share your impressions of using our add-ons, it is important for us to know your opinion!

Feedback is an additional source of motivation for out team, and for you is the opportunity to prolongate your subscription for free!

How to get a subscription for free?

  1. Choose an add-on on the Licenses Management page. The "Write Review" link redirects to the add-on page at marketplace.cs-cart.com.
  2. Leave a review for the add-on (in email field recommended to enter email for which the cs-cart license is registered - this review will be approved automatically on marketplace) and send an email to [email protected] with information about your review (name, date, add-on name).
  3. After the review is accepted by marketplace administrators, we will prolongate your subscription for add-on updates for 5 months*!

*subscription is renewed for 5 months from the date of the end of the current subscription. The date of the end of the current subscription you can see on Licenses Management page.

Attention! The administration of the marketplace.cs-cart.com approves only one review for each add-on from one buyer. So, you can upgarde your subscription once per addon.

Thank you for being with us!