Digest of add-on upgrades in January
In the digest for January, we present to your attention the updates of the following add-ons: Additional object fields/tabs; Content delivery network add-on; Images gallery - add-on for CS-Cart; Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML); Live search and Search history add-on; Orders from advertising; Realtime notifications add-on; Related products; SEO meta templates; The best stores on the marketplace; Unite (merge) selected orders into one; Orders from advertising 06/01/2022 v.1.0 [*] First addon release Images gallery - add-on for CS-Cart 11/01/2022 v.1.1 [!] Fixed saving Alternative text/title value of images 13/01/2022 v.1.2 [!] Fixed issue with fillings schema on block manager Unite (merge) selected orders into one 12/01/2022 v.1.3 [*] On cs-cart version 4.14.x merge button moved to context menu. Content delivery network add-on 12/01/2022 v.4.1 [*] Optimized view for latest cs-cart versions. [*] Changed license checker and optimized upgrade delivery functions. Related products 13/01/2022 v.1.0 First addon release Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML) 15/01/2022 v.5.5.7 [!] Fixed issue with feature selection on some cs-cart configurations [+] Added compatibility with  country_of_origin tag [+] Added possibility to view loaded products from pricelist 26/01/2022 v.5.5.8 [*] Optimized price list update page for stores with thousands of features [!] Fixed issue with repeated element ids on category linking tab  Realtime notifications add-on 17/01/2022 v.2.2 [!] Fixed font size issue on Multivendor Vendor panel on version cs-cart 4.14.x Live search and Search history add-on 17/01/2022 v.7.3.2 [+] Added possibility to group categories on filter by root category (it's available to enable it on addon settings); [+] Added compatibility with rounding function from our product currency addon ; [!] Fixed issue with display out of stock products on end of list; [!] Fixed issue with displaying main product categories with hidden status 21/01/2022 v.7.3.3 [+] Added possibility to enter level of displayed parent category on found categories block; [!] Fixed issue with quick view block on mobile devices Additional object fields/tabs 19/01/2022 v.1.3.0 [+] Added compatibility with SEO meta templates addon [+] Added possibility to hide field on variation products and apply value from main product. 21/01/2022 v.1.4.0 [+] Added option to display product additional field value as product feature on product features tab SEO meta templates 21/01/2022 v.1.2 [+] Added possibility to replace product name and description on product details page on front [!] Fixed issue on products conditions template The best stores on the marketplace 25/01/2022 v.2.0 [*] -  Version 2.0 is a new generation of the Best Stores add-on. The entire internal architecture of the add-on has been changed, so the settings of previous versions will not work.
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Digest of add-on upgrades in December
In the digest for December, we present to your attention the updates of the following add-ons: Advanced product price calculation (calculator); FAQ addon (questions and answers); Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on; Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML); Live search and Search history add-on; Multipurpose image optimization and compression tool; Option calculation (calculator) add-on; Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart; Product questions; Realtime notifications add-on; Recycle bin of admin panel; SEO meta templates; Virtual categories - cs-cart addon; Recycle bin of admin panel 01/12/2021 v.1.1 [!] Fixed incompatibility issue with cs-cart older than v4.11.x FAQ addon (questions and answers) 01/12/2021 v.2.1.2 [*] For mobile devices 2 columns view will be displayed as one Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart 02/12/2021 v.1.2 [!] Fixed issue with vendors picker [+] Added possibility to set popup notification based on user location country  (if geolocation addon used) 13/12/2021 v.1.3 [!] Fixed problem with product picker in content tab [+] Added possibility to show notification for vendors by countries. 23/12/2021 v.1.4 [!] Fixed redirection after submitting a subscription form Live search and Search history add-on 03/12/2021 v.7.2.8 [+] Now support products catalog promotions prices 06/12/2021 v.7.2.9 [!] Fixed issue with zero list price on search popup on some website configurations. 16/12/2021 v.7.3.0 [+] Added additional column on search history - count of found products per request. [+] Added speed-up mode with no restrictions on search. Important! If you use search speedup function, after install this addon version you need to clear indexes and run again to create correct indexation data 22/12/2021 v.7.3.1 [!] Fixed issue with php warning message count Multipurpose image optimization and compression tool 03/12/2021 v.1.8.0 [+] Added possibility to optimize all abject type images [!] Fixed issue to banners link from images management page Advanced product price calculation (calculator) 06/12/2021 v.4.0.7 [+] Added possibility to use weight modifier also on calculations Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on 06/12/2021 v.4.7.5 [*] Added compatibility with Vivashop theme on tablet devices Realtime notifications add-on 08/12/2021 v.2.0 [+] Added notifications about new messages [+] Added possibility to enable/disable notifications by type [+] Now supported addon upgrades via Upgrades center If you have older addon version, it must be uninstalled before install this addon version 13/12/2021 v.2.1 [*] Changed logic for MV editions - now if notifications for vendor is disabled - they will receive marketplace administrator Product questions 08/12/2021 v.1.0 [*] First add-on release Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML) 09/12/2021 v.5.5.6 [!] Fixed an issue with updating  product data on some pricelists. Virtual categories - cs-cart addon 13/12/2021 v.2.1.6 [!] Fixed issue with condition by price and discount on shared products on Ultimate editions SEO meta templates 13/12/2021 v.1.1 [!] Fixed issue on MV edition when vendor preview his store Option calculation (calculator) add-on 14/12/2021 v.2.1.3 [!] Fixed issue with no display calculated data on order editing page 15/12/2021 v.2.1.4 [!] Fixed issue with calculation option value on edit order mode
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Leave a review - get 5 months subscription!
Share your impressions of using our add-ons, it is important for us to know your opinion! Feedback is an additional source of motivation for out team, and for you is the opportunity to prolongate your subscription for free! How to get a subscription for free? Choose an add-on on the Licenses Management page. The "Write Review" link redirects to the add-on page at marketplace.cs-cart.com. Leave a review for the add-on (in email field recommended to enter email for which the cs-cart license is registered - this review will be approved automatically on marketplace) and send an email to [email protected] with information about your review (name, date, add-on name). After the review is accepted by marketplace administrators, we will prolongate your subscription for add-on updates for 5 months*! *subscription is renewed for 5 months from the date of the end of the current subscription. The date of the end of the current subscription you can see on Licenses Management page . Attention! The administration of the marketplace.cs-cart.com approves only one review for each add-on from one buyer. So, you can upgarde your subscription once per addon. Thank you for being with us!
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Digest of add-on upgrades in November
In the digest for November, we present to your attention the updates of the following add-ons: Additional object fields/tabs add-on; Advanced product price calculation (calculator); FAQ addon (questions and answers); Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on; Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML); Last Modified; Lazy Loading Images; Live search and Search history add-on; Option calculation (calculator) add-on; PayPal SDK checkout; Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart; Preload web fonts; Recycle bin of admin panel; Vendor images gallery (Multivendor); Virtual categories - cs-cart addon; Virtual categories - cs-cart addon 01/11/2021 v.2.1.4 [*] Added compatibility with new product reviews addon since cs-cart v4.13.1 a latest versions Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML) 03/11/2021 v.5.5.4 [!] Fixed issue on Multivendor when vendor is tried link features from pricelist 09/11/2021 v.5.5.5 [!] Fixed issue with feature as product code mode [+] Now on updating product description another data like meta data will not be loosen Vendor images gallery (Multivendor) 03/11/2021 v.1.0 [*] Addon released 19/11/2021 v.1.1 [!] Fixed issue with drag and drop on vendor panel 23/11/2021 v.1.2 [!] Fixed issue with block cache Live search and Search history add-on 04/11/2021 v.7.2.2 [!] Fixed JavaScript issue on IE 11 [!] Fixed issue with scroll top on mobile devices after search window is closed [!] Fixed issue with loading data when search products is disabled [+] New feature: Autoredirect to category  (When nothing found except one category, on submit form user will be redirected to this category) 04/11/2021 v.7.2.3 [!] Scroll top issue fixed on mobile devices 17/11/2021 v.7.2.4 [!] Fixed issue with shared products search on some configurations [*] Optimized search statistic function 19/11/2021 v.7.2.5 [!] Additional Optimization for hard loaded projects 29/11/2021 v.7.2.6 [!] Fixed issue with search history date [!] Fixed issue with search speedup function when you search variation like one product [+] Added possibility to clean old requests history manually and by cron. [+] Added possibility to disable search history [*] Optimized Yandex speller function [*] Rebuilded Synonyms algorithm. If you have used synonyms, be sure that are configured properly. Synonyms are phrases that will be replaced with the search phrase.  Lazy Loading Images 09/11/2021 v.1.0 [*] First addon release 19/11/2021 v.1.1 [+]  Added compatibility with some custom blocks  Last Modified 10/11/2021 v.1.0 [*] First addon release 29/11/2021 v.1.1 [*] Added compatibility with Full page cache addon v4.7.4 and later Additional object fields/tabs add-on 11/11/2021 v.1.2.0 [+] Now additional fields  support product variations 19/11/2021 v.1.2.1 [!] Fixed issue on MULTIVENDOR vendor fields Preload web fonts 12/11/2021 v.1.0 [*] First addon release Advanced product price calculation (calculator) 16/11/2021 v.4.0.6 [*] Decreased overrides tpl files on admin panel to avoid 3rd party addons conflicts [!] Fixed issue with cscart 4.13.1 version and later with creating new option from product update page PayPal SDK checkout 16/11/2021 v.1.0 [*] First addon release 22/11/2021 v.1.1 [+] Added possibility to display paypal SDK as simple payment method Option calculation (calculator) add-on 17/11/2021 v.2.1.2 [*] Added compatibility with Advanced price calculation v4.0.6 and later Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on 17/11/2021 v.4.7.3 [+] Added compatibility with current promotions status, if promotion change their status  - cache will be rebuilded. Important! Cron commands to clear cache was changed! 29/11/2021 v.4.7.4 [*] Added compatibility with  Last modified addon Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart 17/11/2021 v.1.1 [!] Fixed issue on products picker Recycle bin of admin panel 18/11/2021 v.1.0 [*] First addon release FAQ addon (questions and answers) 24/11/2021 v.2.1.0 [+] Added FAQ Page Structured Data/Schema Markup 26/11/2021 v.2.1.1 [!] Fixed an issue with more that 10 items in block
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Digest of add-on upgrades in October
In the digest for October, we present to your attention the updates of the following add-ons: Advanced product price calculation (calculator); Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on; Images gallery - add-on for CS-Cart; Live search and Search history add-on; Option calculation (calculator) add-on; Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart; SEO meta templates; Virtual categories - cs-cart addon; Live search and Search history add-on 01/10/2021 v.7.1.6 [+] Added possibility to search on all product features (if you not select any feature - search will work on all) [!] Fixed an issue with on Firefox browsers on some server configurations 05/10/2021 v.7.1.7 [*] Optimized DB connection on some server configuration to work faster 14/10/2021 v.7.1.8 [!] Fixed issue on search by part of feature variant name with speedup enabled [!] Fixed with displaying price on shared product from another storefront 21/10/2021 v.7.2.0 [+] Added JQUERY event trigger, now is very simple to do addon customizations on frontend part without addon core files changes.  [+] Added additional php hook before_response. Now developers have possibility to change any data before it will be sent on response. [!] Fixed issue on Ultimate on getting shared price with discounts 26/10/2021 v.7.2.1 [!] Fixed issue on 404 page footer blocks issue [!] Fixed issue on some templates styles on mobile iOS [!] Fixed issue on category search with usergroups restrictions Advanced product price calculation (calculator) 08/10/2021 v.4.0.5 [*] Added compatibility with newest cs-cart 4.13.x [+] Added additional hooks to more possibility with custom dev [+] Global variables now can be stored differently by storefronts or vendors Option calculation (calculator) add-on 08/10/2021 v.2.1.1 [*] Added compatibility with cs-cart v4.13.x Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart 08/10/2021 v.1.0 [*] First addon release Virtual categories - cs-cart addon 20/10/2021 v.2.1.3 [!] Fixed logic issue on Ultimate with shared products on categories condition Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on 25/10/2021 v.4.7.2 [*] Added compatibility with php v8.0 SEO meta templates 27/10/2021 v.1.0 [*] First addon release Images gallery - add-on for CS-Cart 27/10/2021 v.1.0 [*] First addon release
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Digest of add-on upgrades in September
In the digest for September, we present to your attention the updates of the following add-ons: Currency exchange rates sync; Export to yandex market YML-format with categories selection; Links shortener for cs-cart; Live search and Search history add-on; Multipurpose image optimization and compression tool; Product changes log cs-cart addon; Product code generator add-on; Product currency add-on; Product stickers (text and graphic) - cs-cart add-on; Currency exchange rates sync 01/09/2021 v.1.0 First addon release Live search and Search history add-on 02/09/2021 v.7.1.1 [!] Fixed issue with list price currency symbol [!] Fixed issue with cache addons 06/09/2021 v.7.1.2 [!] Fixed issue on products results page with products variations 13/09/2021 v.7.1.3 [*] Rebuilded bots security function [*] Optimized show loading function 22/09/2021 v.7.1.4 [!] Fixed issue with blocking bots on some server configurations [!] Fixed issue with search products without main category 28/09/2021 v.7.1.5 [+] Added possibility to disable function of blocking search results for bots [*] Upgraded function to periodically refresh security token [!] Fixed issue on some server configurations with missed Registry class Product stickers (text and graphic) - cs-cart add-on 07/09/2021 v.2.2.0 [*] Speed and DB requests optimization Export to yandex market YML-format with categories selection 09/09/2021 v.4.0.3 [!] Fixed issue with export status change for single product Product currency add-on 14/09/2021 v.4.0.5 [!] Fixed issue with products preloader on edit order page 20/09/2021 v.4.0.6 [+] Added possibility to search products by currency [!] Fixed issue with Common Products for Vendors addon select currency Links shortener for cs-cart 15/09/2021 v.1.0 [*] First addon release Product changes log cs-cart addon 22/09/2021 v.1.3.1 [!] Fixed issue with "Warehouses" amounts changes [!] Fixed issue with single checkbox products feature changes Multipurpose image optimization and compression tool 28/09/2021 v.1.7.0 [*] New addon lookup on cs-cart v4.13.x [!] Small tpl issues and redirects after image actions Product code generator add-on 28/09/2021 v.2.3.2 [!] Fixed issue with generate product codes button link
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Digest of add-on upgrades in August
In the digest for August, we present to your attention the updates of the following add-ons: 2C2P Payment Gateway; Additional object fields/tabs add-on; Filter by product tags - cs-cart addon; Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML); JCC Cyprus payment gateway for cscart; Live search and Search history add-on; Option calculation (calculator) add-on; Product changes log cs-cart addon; Product currency add-on; Product payment methods add-on; Product shipping methods add-on; Live search and Search history add-on 04/08/2021 v.7.0.0 The 7.x version branch is the new generation of the live search add-on. Everything has been changed, from the internal architecture of the add-on to the appearance. The add-on was developed from scratch, relying on the accumulated experience of the old 5.x branch, so all the functions is preserved, and at the same time new ones have been added. Changing the architecture of the add-on has made possibility to achieve a significant acceleration of the search and unlimited possibilities for further expanding the functionality of the add-on. So what's new in version 7.0: Filter search results by categories directly in the search popup; Keyboard Navigation on search results in popup; Search synonyms; Ability to choose a theme (Modern and Classic) and change color schemes for each of them Built-in search speed-up (for high-load projects); Search motivation; Search phrases; Search history by user. Quick view and add to the compare list buttons. 04/08/2021 v.7.0.1 Fixing found issues from first release: [!] Fixed incompatibility with Common Products addon; [!] Fixed file permissions issue with some server configurations; [!] Fixed requests history delete selected issue. 05/08/2021 v.7.0.2 [+] Added the ability to select the search logic by product variations [+] Added additional compatibility in the mobile view with some themes [!] Improved stability of search library initialization on some third-party themes 06/08/2021 v.7.0.3 [!] Fixed php warnings when server use Imagick library [!] Fixed issue with zoom on Iphone devices when typing on search input [!] Fixed issue on features search with search speedup function enabled  [!] Fixed issue with search speedup cron indexation access [*] Added compatibility with warehouses addon [+] Added function to close search window on mobile devices when click back button instead of loading previous page 09/08/2021 v.7.0.4 [*] Added compatibility with 3rd party addons on search results page [*] Live search settings page optimized for stores with a lot of features. [+] Added loading animation when search queries take longer time than 0.8 sec. [!] Fixed incorrect progress bar on speedup indexation 10/08/2021 v.7.0.5 [!] Small bugs fixes in some configurations, added compatibility with 3rd party addons on search results page 11/08/2021 v.7.0.6 [+] Added compatibility with Warehouses addon [!] Fixed issue on Firefox browsers with scroll top [!] Fixed issue with search by search keywords with search speedup enabled 12/08/2021 v.7.0.7 [!] Multivendor: Fixed issue on search by vendor products field; [!] Fixed compatibility issue with Warehouses addon on location change; [!] Multivendor: Fixed compatibility issue with Direct payments addon 16/08/2021 v.7.0.8 [+] Added possibility to set max-width for search window on desktop devices [+] Added get_fields hooks for developers section [!] Fixed issue with developer hooks [!] Fixed issue on some servers with db query error 18/08/2021 v.7.0.9 [!] Fixed issues with php warning in empty request [!] Fixed issue on some server configurations when live search was not initiated.  23/08/2021 v.7.0.10 [!] Fixed issue with search query on some configurations [*] Added function to hide placeholder text on input when field focus 25/08/2021 v.7.0.11 [!] Fixed issue on clicking label category, user was goes to product page instead of category page [!] Fixed issue with display product attached to usergroups Filter by product tags - cs-cart addon 11/08/2021 v.1.1 [!] Fixed incompatibility with live search addon v7.x Product payment methods add-on 11/08/2021 v.2.0 [+] Multivendor: added possibility to allow/disallow vendor to access product payment methods tab; [+] Added possibility to save products payment methods on category update page to use them as default for new products on this category.  13/08/2021 v.2.1 [*] Added possibility to hide restriction payments notification 2C2P Payment Gateway 12/08/2021 v.1.0 12/08/2021 v.1.1 [+] Added additional result_url_2 link for payment gate responses Product changes log cs-cart addon 13/08/2021 v.1.3.0 [+] Added compatibility with Warehouses addon Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML) 16/08/2021 v.5.5.3 [+] MV: Добавлена возможность загружать товары как общие товары  [+] Добавлена возможность импортировать остатки, если они передаются в прайсе. (Для каждого прайса указывается тег поля остатков) JCC Cyprus payment gateway for cscart 17/08/2021 v.1.1 [+] Added build in upgrade center Product shipping methods add-on 19/08/2021 v.3.3.0 [+] Added possibility to change products shipping methods on bulk edit page [+] Added possibility to save products shipping methods on category [+] Multivendor: Added possibility to prevent vendors access to edit product shipping methods 26/08/2021 v.3.3.1 [!] Fixed tpl file issue when product shipping methods was not saved success Option calculation (calculator) add-on 20/08/2021 v.2.1 [!] Fixed issue on options calculation values on cart, when added same product. Product currency add-on 20/08/2021 v.4.0.4 [*] Added rounded price function depended on selected currency settings Additional object fields/tabs add-on 23/08/2021 v.1.1.0 [+] Added possibility to mark field as required [+] Added possibility to select type of field (Textarea or input) [+] Multivendor: Added possibility to show field on vendor store tabs
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Digest of add-on upgrades in July
In the digest for July, we present to your attention the updates of the following add-ons: Admin panel color scheme add-on; Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on; Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML); Product changes log cs-cart addon; Product code generator add-on; Product sales history add-on; Product changes log cs-cart addon 25/03/2021 v.1.3.0 [!] Fixed issue with one of feature type changes logs [+] Added better addon view for cs-cart v4.13.1 25/03/2021 v.1.3.0 [+] Added logs tab on variation product update page Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML) 13/04/2014 v.5.5.2 [+] Multivendor: Добавлена возможность сохранять статус товара на модерации после импорта [+] Multivendor: Добавлена возможность ограничивать импорт товаров согласно тарифному плану продавца [+] Добавлена возможность импортировать несколько значений для одной хар-ки. [!] Повышена стабильность работы парсера категорий, учитываются небольшие синтаксические ошибки поставщика прайс-листа 13/04/2014 v.5.5.2 [!] Fixed issue with variations grouping process on some pricelists 13/04/2014 v.5.5.2 [!] Fixed issue with product variables Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on 07/10/2017 v.4.7.1 [+] Added possibility to save cache depending of applied user promotions 07/10/2017 v.4.7.1 [!] Fixed issue with Unitheme 2 custom settings for desktop and mobile devices lookup Admin panel color scheme add-on 13/02/2020 v.1.2 [!] Fixed issue with color scheme on vendor panel when storefront is closed Product code generator add-on 04/04/2015 v.2.3.0 [+] Added template to generate valid EAN-13 codes [+] Added better view for cs-cart v4.13.x 04/04/2015 v.2.3.0 [+] Added possibility to fix start digits on EAN13 standard Product sales history add-on 26/04/2016 v.2.0.1 [!] Fixed issue with sales history tab on variation product page
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We have updated the design and logo of the site!
Dear customers, we have great news! We have updated the design of our site, made it more convenient and modern. We have a new, brighter logo now. We added many new functionalities for you! We have a new section - HelpDesk. You can use it for questions about the work of our add-ons, suggestions for customizations, requests for the development of new add-ons or fix bugs. On the Downloads and subscriptions, you can change the main domain up to 3 times per month, as well as add and change aliases (test domains). All alias changes will be moderated. Now you can select the upgrade plans for the subscription to update all add-ons at once at a fixed price. For many of our clients, this is a very advantageous offer. Now you can find out the latest news about the company, the release of add-on updates, and new owr add-ons. Now we are finalizing another new section - Documentation. Soon all information about installation and configuration for each add-on will be there. We will be glad if you share your opinion on the changes to our site!
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Digest of add-on upgrades in June
In the digest for June, we present to your attention the updates of the following add-ons: Advanced product price calculation (calculator); Export to yandex market YML-format with categories selection; Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on; Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML); Product currency add-on; Product filters by options (Options to features automatic converter) add-on; Product sales history add-on; Product shipping methods add-on; Product stickers (text and graphic) - cs-cart add-on; Search speedup add-on; Select currency for shipping method - addon for cscart; Unite (merge) selected orders into one; Virtual categories - cs-cart addon; Пакет модулей; Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML) 02/06/2021 v.5.3.0 [+] Перестроена логика импорта вариаций. Теперь скорость импорта вариаций такая-же что и обычных товаров, а надёжность выше. [+] Импортированные товары привязываются к номеру прайсу, из которого они были импортированы [+] Добавлена возможность удалить все товары, загруженные под определённым прайсом. 02/06/2021 v.5.3.1 [!] Исправлена ошибка в загрузке характеристик новых вариаций 03/06/2021 v.5.3.2 [!] Повышена стабильность работы для редакции MV после обновления модуля 09/06/2021 v.5.3.3 [+] Добавлена возможность принудительного запуска прайс-листа [!] Улучшена логика обработки вариаций товаров (при смене главной вариации теперь сео-ссылка на товар не будет меняться) 11/06/2021 v.5.3.4 Исправлена ошибка в работе модуля в логике обработки катгеорий 14/06/2021 v.5.3.5 [!] Исправлена ошибка прерывания файла при импорте на некоторых конфигурациях сервера 21/06/2021 v.5.4.0 [+] Добавлена возможность менять директорию импорта товаров по-умолчанию [+] Для Multivendor: добавлена возможность запрещать продавцам самим запускать импорт прайса [!] В Multivendor: Исправлена ситуация, когда прайс-лсит на модерации мог быть запущен продавцом Product filters by options (Options to features automatic converter) add-on 02/06/2021 v.3.0.1 [!] Fixed issue with deleting global options from product page. Search speedup add-on 03/06/2021 v.3.2.3 [!] Fixed issue on creating cluster on servers without mbstring php lib Пакет модулей 08/06/2021 v.1.0 Virtual categories - cs-cart addon 08/06/2021 v.2.1.0 [+] Added possibility to search feature when you add it on condition [!] Fixed small bugs with mobile app 14/06/2021 v.2.1.1 [!] Fixed php warnings 22/06/2021 v.2.1.2 [!] Fixed issue with numeric features conditions  Product stickers (text and graphic) - cs-cart add-on 10/06/2021 v.2.0 [!] Fixed issue with installed cms on subdirectory [+] Added styles on addon seetings and upgrade center for cs-cart v4.13.1 23/06/2021 v.2.1 [+] Added compatibility with Energothemes Vivashop theme Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on 15/06/2021 v.4.6.0 [+] Added better view on admin panel for cs-cart v4.13.1 [+] Added function to ignore Adds parameters on cache logic 18/06/2021 v.4.6.1 [+] Added function to autoclear cache on editing block content for specific object Export to yandex market YML-format with categories selection 17/06/2021 v.4.0.0 [+] Rebuilded get products functions - now it work more faster [+] Added upgrade center into addon. [!] Fixed warning messages when display php error logs was enabled 21/06/2021 v.4.0.1 [!] Fixed issue with non root category selector 25/06/2021 v.4.0.2 [!] Исправлены предупреждения php Advanced product price calculation (calculator) 17/06/2021 v.4.0.3 [+] Added better view for cs-cart v4.13.1 21/06/2021 v.4.0.4 [!] Fixed issue with formula example on simple mode Product sales history add-on 21/06/2021 v.2.0 [+] Added search form for sales history [+] Added Total amount and total qty for sales history. [+] Added build in upgrade center Product shipping methods add-on 23/06/2021 v.3.2.5 [!] Fixed issue with undefined variables Product currency add-on 23/06/2021 v.4.0.3 [+] Added compatibility with Unite orders addon Unite (merge) selected orders into one 23/06/2021 v.1.2 [+] Added compatibility with Product currency addon Select currency for shipping method - addon for cscart 25/06/2021 v.1.0
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Digest of add-on upgrades in May
In the digest for May, we present to your attention the updates of the following add-ons: Additional object fields/tabs add-on; Extended conditions and bonuses of promotion; FAQ addon (questions and answers); Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on; Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML); Import/Export product tags add-on; Live search and Search history add-on; Multilevel filters add-on; Product changes log cs-cart addon; Product currency add-on; Product filters by options (Options to features automatic converter) add-on; Search speedup add-on; Virtual categories - cs-cart addon; Product changes log cs-cart addon 25/03/2021 v.1.3.0 [!] Fixed issue with product tags logs Multilevel filters add-on 31/08/2017 v.2.2 [+] Added possibility to select also filter parent variant, when child filter appear FAQ addon (questions and answers) 20/02/2020 v.2.0.2 [!] Fixed issue with select FAQ picker on layout block 20/02/2020 v.2.0.2 [!] Fixed issue with search questions on FAQ block Extended conditions and bonuses of promotion 12/05/2021 v.1.0 Full page CACHE + HTML minify add-on 07/10/2017 v.4.7.1 [!] Detect Mobile devices library upgraded  07/10/2017 v.4.7.1 [+] Added additional compatibility with theme Unitheme 2 07/10/2017 v.4.7.1 [!] Fixed issue with addon fresh installation Virtual categories - cs-cart addon 09/07/2020 v.2.1.2 [!] Fixed issue with category condition on catalog promotions 09/07/2020 v.2.1.2 [!] Optimized catalog loading speed with virtual categories This is important update! 09/07/2020 v.2.1.2 [!] Fixed issue with virtual category bonus on promotions Live search and Search history add-on 31/05/2015 v.7.0.9 [!] For Multivendor fixed on search field on vendor store display only vendor objects 31/05/2015 v.7.0.9 [!] Fixed issue with objects search on Multivendor edition Import products from xml file yandex market format (YML) 13/04/2014 v.5.5.2 [!] Исправлена ошибка связки категорий при большом кол-ве категорий прайса [!] Увеличили ко-во товаров на складе по-умолчанию до 100 шт [!] При нулевой цене товара не загружались остатки Additional object fields/tabs add-on 25/03/2021 v.1.0.4 [!] Fixed issue with blocks cache 25/03/2021 v.1.0.4 [!] Fixed issue with wysiwyg editor when object have more than one field. Import/Export product tags add-on 23/04/2021 v.1.0.1 [!] Fixed issue on Ultimate with bulk product editor with tags field Product currency add-on 19/02/2016 v.4.0.3 [+] Added compatibility with 3rd party addon Universal data feed by Alexbranding 19/02/2016 v.4.0.3 [!] Fixed issue on price filter when secondary currency selected Product filters by options (Options to features automatic converter) add-on 16/12/2016 v.2.5 [!] Added compatibility with cs-cart v4.12.1 Search speedup add-on 18/05/2017 v.3.2.3 [!] Fixed uncompatibility with servers without mbstring libraries
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