January news digest


New add-ons

TOP 5 bestsellers

Updated add-ons

Recycle bin of admin panel

08/01/2024 v.2.0.1
  • [!] Fixed add-on operation on the storefront (on the checkout page)

Orders from advertising (what resource is the client from?)

08/01/2024 v.2.3
  • [!] Fixed php undefined warning when cron job from command line is working
10/01/2024 v.2.3.1
  • [+] Added hooks for developers
19/01/2024 v.2.3.2
  • [!] Fixed php notice about undefined index

Hide specific products by languages

09/01/2024 v.1.0
  • [*] First addon release

Product code generator

09/01/2024 v.3.3.1
  • [*] Improved compatibility with the Common Products for Vendors add-on

Common shipping methods for Multivendor

10/01/2024 v.1.7.1
  • [!] Fixed issue with common order email notifications
  • [!] Basic security addon updates

Multistatuses: additional order statuses

11/01/2024 v.1.0.1
  • [!] Fixed an issue with updating blocks after changing the order status.

SMS notifications

12/01/2024 v.1.0.0
12/01/2024 v.1.1.0

Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart

15/01/2024 v.2.1.0
  • [!] Add-on operation has been corrected when the Trigger for display is - Inactivity.
  • [+] Added a new trigger for display - Total time on site

Hide categories without products

17/01/2024 v.1.3.1
  • [!] Fixed compatibility issue with older versions of CS-Cart.
  • [+] Added an information notice about the number of hidden categories.

Product changes log cs-cart addon

17/01/2024 v.1.7.0
  • [!] Language translation corrected
  • [!] Added hook cplh_save_product_log_before_insert
  • [!] Added search by trigger
  • [!] Adjusted access permissions for administrator groups
  • [*] Fixed problem identifying an order that changed the product
  • [*] Optimization of the add-on operation process
  • [*] The volume of stored logs has been increased
  • [*] Changed the logic for recording price editing logs

Addons Manager

18/01/2024 v.1.5
  • [*] Basic security addon updates

SEO meta templates

26/01/2024 v.2.7.0
  • [!] Important update! Fixed the function of generating URLs for images.
  • [*] Corrected translations of field names and tooltips.

This is important update. Please install it as soon as possible!

Product payment methods add-on

29/01/2024 v.2.4.0
  • [+] Added mass editing of payment methods for products
  • [*] Improved add-on security

Filters: optimization of selection

30/01/2024 v.2.0
  • [+] Added the ability to hide unavailable filter variants
  • [*] Added settings for separate control of add-on functions
  • [*] New add-on name: Filters: optimization of selection

Restrictions on changing order statuses

31/01/2024 v.1.0

[*] First add-on release