January news digest
TOP 5 bestsellers Updated add-ons Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart 17/01/2023 v.1.11.8 [+] Added compatibility with cs-cart 4.6.x versions [!] Fixed issue with required fields dorm validator inside popup 24/01/2023 v.1.11.9 [!] Fixed issue with option display on custom Url's IndexNow: instantly inform search engines about latest content changes 11/01/2023 v.1.3 [!] Fixed compatibility issue with cs-cart 4.12.x and lower [*] Basic security updates Permissions by order status
12/01/2023 v.1.0 Virtual categories 18/01/2023 v.2.3.6 [!] Fixed php warning with Common products addon [!] Fixed conflict on some website configurations Full page CACHE + HTML minify 16/01/2023 v.4.10.2 [+] Added possibility to differ cache by user rate area (need when prices is differ by rate area) [!] Fixed issue with include files on some server configurations [!] Fixed issue with language translations on admin panel menu Live search and Search history 11/01/2023 v.7.5.0 [+] Added the ability to ignore characters in product names when searching (only when speed-up is active) [!] Fixed compatibility issue with sticky menu on Unitheme 2 [!] Fixed issue with search by subcategories on admin panel when search speedup was enabled 23/01/2023 v.7.5.1 [*] Changed logic of display add to cart button depending of product options, variations, and when not available add to cart to guest users [!] Fixed issue with filter by categories function One page checkout add-on + Dadata and Google Autocomplete 03/01/2023 v.3.6.5 [!] Fixed issue with payment template on some payment methods Product name length 03/01/2023 v.2.1 [+] Added compatibility with Unitheme 2 Product changes log cs-cart addon 03/01/2023 v.1.5.4 [+] Added compatibility with "Common products" addon Order files attachments 04/01/2023 v.4.0 [+] Added possibility to send email notification with attached files 05/01/2023 v.4.0.1 [!] Fixed issue with send email permissions for vendor Links shortener 05/01/2023 v.1.4 [*] Optimized get short url function Related products 05/01/2023 v.1.0.2 [+] Added compatibility with php8 FAQ addon (questions and answers) 09/01/2023 v.3.2.0 [+] Added possibility to use emoji icons on questions and answers Common shipping methods for Multivendor 10/01/2023 v.1.1 [!] Fixed issue with duplicated orders when customer order products from one vendor [*] Optimized customer email notifications 19/01/2023 v.1.2 [+] Added functionality to attach common order to one of marketplace vendor (it can be created special vendor if you need it), this vendor will receive common order info and can communicate with buyer. 25/01/2023 v.1.3 [!] Fixed issue with default company selector 30/01/2023 v.1.4 [+] Added possibility to enable option to always create parents orders even cart have products only from one vendor Import/Export categories 17/01/2023 v.1.1 [!] Fixed issue with import category names on multilanguage store 30/01/2023 v.1.2 [+] Added possibility to generate category codes from addon settings Product shipping methods add-on 24/01/2023 v.3.4.2 [!] Fixed sql issue on MV edition on some store configurations [*] Basic security updates Change images on hover 25/01/2023 v.2.0.3 [!] Fixed issue with products without additional images.