September news digest
TOP 5 bestsellers
Updated add-ons
Virtual categories - cs-cart addon
22/09/2022 v.2.2.2
- [!] Fixed issue with products blocks from virtual categories on text pages
- [!] Fixed issue with adding two conditions of categories
23/09/2022 v.2.3.0
- [+] Added new condition: Product created <\> days
PayPal SDK checkout
06/09/2022 v.1.4.7
- [!] Fixed issue with cart buttons on products in cart page on cscart versions lower than 4.8.x
Advanced product price calculation (calculator)
05/09/2022 v.4.1.0
- [+] On clone product formula will be copied too
- [+] On create variation product, original product formula will be copied
07/09/2022 v.4.1.1
- [+] Added possibility to disable formula error notifications
Live search and Search history
06/09/2022 v.7.4.4
- [!] Fixed issue on some multistorefront servers with live search thumbnails folders permissions
30/09/2022 v.7.4.5
- [+] Added compatibility with php 8.0
- [*] Image display optimization
- [*] Optimized addon settings query
Option value calculation
16/09/2022 v.2.1.6
- [!] Fixed issue with display counted option when same product is added multiple times to cart with different options
Product questions
16/09/2022 v.1.1.2
- [!] Fixed issue on MULTIVENDOR on addon question to common product notification email was sent to all vendors
Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart
16/09/2022 v.1.11.7
- [+] Added compatibility with php 8.0
Additional object fields/tabs
19/09/2022 v.1.5.0
- [+] Added compatibility with php 8
- [*] Basic security upgrades
Lazy Loading Images
19/09/2022 v.1.2
- [!] Fixed issue with 3rd party addon AB video gallery
- [*] Basic security updates
Product changes log cs-cart addon
23/09/2022 v.1.5.2
- [!] Fixed php warnings on some configurations
YML Import products (xml yandex market structure)
23/09/2022 v.5.5.14
- [+] Added compatibility with php 8.0
One page checkout add-on + Dadata and Google Autocomplete
26/09/2022 v.3.2
- [+] Added compatibility with php 8.0
- [+] Added possibility to set priority of shipping and billing address
- [+] Added possibility to merge shipping and payment methods in one step
- [!] Fixed issue with products qty selection when cart has bonus product by promotion
27/09/2022 v.3.3
- [!] Fixed issue with shipping price calculation when billing is set to primary address
29/09/2022 v.3.4
- [!] Fixed issue with state field on change shipping method on some configurations
YML Export products
28/09/2022 v.4.3.2
- [!] Fixed issue with disabled product variations addon
Multipurpose image optimization and compression tool
29/09/2022 v.1.8.3
- [*] Basic security updates