October news digest
New add-ons
TOP 5 bestsellers
Updated add-ons
Google style phone validation and standardizer
24/10/2022 v.1.5
- [+] Added compatibility with php 8.0
- [+] Added Hong Kong phone code
- [*] Basic security updates
Full page CACHE + HTML minify
03/10/2022 v.4.9.1
- [!] Fixed php undefined notice on pages without seo-url
- [+] Added php8.0 support
- [+] Added compatibility with old cs-cart 4.2.x versions
YML Import products (xml yandex market structure)
12/10/2022 v.5.5.15
- [!] Fixed issue with create default yml category on MV edition
- [!] Fixed issue with feature names with special chars on linking tab.
14/10/2022 v.5.5.16
- [!] Fixed issue with product seo names on specific import configuration
One page checkout add-on + Dadata and Google Autocomplete
05/10/2022 v.3.5
- [!] Fixed issue with email fields (on some configuration it was displayed twice)
- [!] Another little fixed from checkout fields on some configuration cases
- [+] Rebuilded google autosuggestion logic, not it works directly from address field
07/10/2022 v.3.6
- [+] Added scenarios on addon settings to hide email field
- [*] Rebuilded state selector on autosuggestion function
12/10/2022 v.3.6.1
- [!] Fixed issue with state field on some cs-cart versions
14/10/2022 v.3.6.2
- [!] Fixed issue on some cs-cart configurations update profile fields
Virtual categories - cs-cart addon
03/10/2022 v.2.3.1
- [+] Added compatibility with unitheme2 blocks with show more buttons
20/10/2022 v.2.3.2
- [*] Correction of logic with negative categories condition
- [*] Optimization compatibility with "Common products" addon
- [+] Added additional hooks for developers
Lazy Loading Images
03/10/2022 v.1.2.1
- [+] Added compatibility with old cs-cart version 4.2.x
Preload web fonts
03/10/2022 v.1.1
- [+] Added compatibility with php 8.0
- [+] Added compatibility with old cs-cart version 4.2.x
- [*] Basic security updates
Content delivery network add-on
03/10/2022 v.4.3.1
- [+] Added compatibility with php8.0
Multipurpose image optimization and compression tool
05/10/2022 v.1.8.4
- [!] Fixed minor issues compatibility with old cs-cart version 4.2.4
Google Indexing API
06/10/2022 v.1.1
- [!] Fixed issue with adding links to queue on some stores configurations
Category image gallery
12/10/2022 v.2.2
- [+] Added compatibility with 3rd party addon AB: Landing categories
- [*] Basic security updates
Orders on the map add-on
11/10/2022 v.3.0.2
- [!] Fixed issue with filter order by color on the map
- [!] Fixed issue with undefined language variable and wrong link to addon settings
PayPal SDK checkout
11/10/2022 v.1.5.0
- [+] Added possibility to make payment on user selected currency
11/10/2022 v.1.6.0
- [+] Since this version we sent to paypal entered user billing and shipping address
12/10/2022 v.1.6.1
- [+] Send to paypal user phone and email
18/10/2022 v.1.6.2
- [!] Fixed issue with unfilled user data
24/10/2022 v.1.7.0
- [+] Added check order amount function on load page and on press paypal button
26/10/2022 v.1.7.1
- [+] Added on payment information all possible txn_ids (paypal have different txn_id for payer and vendor side)
Product stickers (text and graphic) - cs-cart add-on
14/10/2022 v.2.4.2
- [*] Basic security updates
Vendor store currency (Multivendor)
Product currency add-on
19/10/2022 v.6.1.0
- [+] Added hooks (for developers) to have possibility to make change on addon functionality
Advanced product price calculation (calculator)
19/10/2022 v.4.1.2
- [!] Fixed issue with latest cs-cart 4.15.x versions when adding option from product page
- [+] Added compatibility with php8.0
Product filters by options (Options to features automatic converter) add-on
24/10/2022 v.3.1.0
- [!] Fixed issue with generating values from disabled option variants
- [+] Added compatibility with php8.0
- [*] Basic security updates
FAQ addon (questions and answers)
25/10/2022 v.3.1.0
- [+] On Ultimate added possibility to set different settings for each storefront
25/10/2022 v.3.1.1
- [+] Added compatibility with php8.0
- [!] Fixed issue with link on question content
28/10/2022 v.3.1.2
- [!] Fixed issue with a tag text color on answer content
SEO meta templates
26/10/2022 v.2.5.0
- [+] Added compatibility with php 8.0
- [!] Fixed issue with edit seo-name on simple cs-cart from seo-metatemplates addon on cs-cart with one storefront
Unite (merge) selected orders into one
27/10/2022 v.1.3.2
- [!] Fixed issue with gear menu cs-cart 4.12.x
Common shipping methods for Multivendor
27/10/2022 v.1.0