June news digest
New add-ons
- Google Indexing API
- Speed-up the indexing of your website pages
- Sending for indexing directly from the admin panel
- Addons Manager
- Install add-ons in 2 clicks
- Follow the updates and subscription
- Try addon trial before buying (Premium subscription required)
TOP 5 bestsellers
Updated add-ons
Live search and Search history
07/06/2022 v.7.3.11
- [!] Important! Security fixed to prevent XSS attacks and SQL injections (Analize and recommendations from AsapLab team)
- [*] Improved image thumbnail generation function
- [!] Quick view language variable was changed
- [+] Added compatibility with search on product code of old option combinations cs-cart functionality on speed-up mode
- [+] Added tooltips on hober add to cart or add to wishlist buttons.
- [+] Added notifications with links when user adds product to wishlist or comparison list
23/06/2022 v.7.4.0
- [!] Fixed misprint on translation
- [!] Fixed black color on some thumbnails images
- [!] Fixed compatibility issue with latest Unitheme 2 sticker bottom block on mobile deviсes
- [+] Added possibility to open product from search on new tab via context menu (right mouse click)
- [*] Added better logic for stop words
- [*] Added better logic to search phrases with additional symbols
- [*] Better lookup on add synonyms interface
SEO meta templates
13/06/2022 v.2.4
- [!] Fixed issue with undefined view php variable
- [+] Added new variables: [search_words], [vendor_state]
- [+] Added possibility to clone seo-meta schema
- [+] Added possibility to apply values to all languages
14/06/2022 v.2.4.1
- [!] Fixed issue with using smarty syntax with empty feature values
29/06/2022 v.2.4.2
- [!] Fixed issue with seo-url regeneration
Orders from advertising
01/06/2022 v.1.1
- [!] Fixed incompatibility issue with cs-cart version 4.11.3 and older
Unite (merge) selected orders into one
02/06/2022 v.1.3.1
- [!] Fixed issue with cs-cart compatibility with version 4.11.x and lower
Products filter by categories add-on
07/06/2022 v.2.2
- [!] Security addon upgardes and templates compatibility with latest cs-cart versions
Advanced product price calculation (calculator)
09/06/2022 v.4.0.11
- [+] Added possibility to use formula calculation inside "common products" (Multivendor)
Product questions
09/06/2022 v.1.1
- [+] Added compatibility with Vendor privileges addon (Multivendor)
- [+] Added compatibility with Full page cache addon (auto rebuild cache)
Virtual categories - cs-cart addon
09/06/2022 v.2.1.9
- [!] Fixed undefined variable php warning
- [+] Added hook for developers to activate virtual categories functionality on custom controllers
24/06/2022 v.2.2.0
- [!] Fixed incompatibility issue caused on some stores with 3rd party addons
- [*] Security updates
- [+] Added possibility to restrict access to addon settings by admin usergroups
Last Modified
10/06/2022 v.1.3
- [!] Fixed issue with changed category
30/06/2022 v.1.3.1
- [!] Fixed issue with old cs-cart versions compatibility (v4.11.x and lower)
Search speedup add-on
10/06/2022 v.3.2.4
- [*] Added templates compatibility with latest cs-cart versions
IndexNow: instantly inform search engines about latest content changes
13/06/2022 v.1.1
- [+] Added functionality to send to IndexNow queue products on change category seo name
- [+] Added functionality to indexNow queue products on import process.
16/06/2022 v.1.2
- [+] Added indexNow settings to work with import process
Product changes log cs-cart addon
16/06/2022 v.1.4.1
- [!] Fixed compatibility issue with commerceML import process
24/06/2022 v.1.5.0
- [+] Added add-on management settings for administrator groups
- [*] Updated add-on security
Addons Manager
17/06/2022 v.1.0
20/06/2022 v.1.1
- [*] Small templates fixes and better lookup
27/06/2022 v.1.2
PayPal SDK checkout
21/06/2022 v.1.4.0
- [+] Added possibility to disable pointed payment options
YML Import products (xml yandex market structure)
21/06/2022 v.5.5.12
- [!] Fixed issue with supplier link with incorrect ssl certificate
- [!] Fixed issue with load file via url button
Pop-up notifications add-on for cs-cart
24/06/2022 v.1.11
- [+] Added compatibility with Full page cache addon
- [!] Fixed issue with managing popups on multistorefront store
24/06/2022 v.1.11.1
- [!] Fixed permission issues for administrators and vendors
27/06/2022 v.1.11.2
- [*] Added compatibility with 3rd party permissions addons
YML Export products
24/06/2022 v.4.3.0
- [+] Added possibility to export product prices with additional margin in %
- [!] Security updates
Product sales history add-on
24/06/2022 v.2.1.0
- [*] Updated add-on security
Full page CACHE + HTML minify
24/06/2022 v.4.8.0
- [+] Added add-on management settings for administrator groups
- [*] Updated add-on security
Google Indexing API