Versions: Cs-cart 4.1.x-4.18.x
Editions: Multivendor, Multivendor Plus, Cs-cart Ultimate, Cs-cart, Multivendor Ultimate
Extended description block
This add-on provides the ability to automatically hide categories that have no products or have run out of products. Parent categories will also be hidden if they and their child categories have no products.
How it works?
Click the "Check now" button as needed, or set up Cron command on the server to run automatically.
The add-on checks if there are any products in the categories. The category will be disabled if there are no enabled products in it. If the "Hide out of stock" setting is enabled, categories with out-of-stock products will also be hidden. Categories will be automatically enabled if products appear in them.
Category display statuses
The current category status can be seen on the category editing page: Products - Categories - (desired category) - Add-ons - Hide categories without products. The Active status means that the category is enabled on the storefront. The Disabled status indicates that the category is hidden on the storefront. The Exclude status allows the category to not participate in the add-on's operation.
With this add-on, you can improve the user experience on your site and provide more convenient navigation for your customers.
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