Cart is empty
Changelog: YML Export products
[4.9.0] - 09.10.2024
- Optimization Added English translations
[4.8.4] - 24.06.2024
- New MV Edition: Added possibility to select vendors on filtering products
[4.8.3] - 23.05.2024
- New Added compatibility with latest cs-cart 4.18.1 version
[4.8.2] - 05.02.2024
- Bugfix Fixed issue on some server configuration when seo link was not worked
[4.8.1] - 08.12.2023
- Bugfix Fixed issue with php undefined index
[4.8.0] - 23.11.2023
- Bugfix : Fixed issue with category selection
- Optimization Optimized sql queries for projects with a lot of features data.
- New Added barcode feature field
[4.7.0] - 10.11.2023
- Bugfix Fixed compatibility issue with warehouses addon
[4.6.5] - 27.10.2023
- Bugfix Fixed incompatibility issue with old cs-cart versions
- Optimization Basic security addon upgardes
[4.6.4] - 19.10.2023
- Bugfix Fixed incompatibility issue with cs-cart versions 4.11.1-4.11.4
[4.6.3] - 16.10.2023
- Optimization Fixed compatibility issue with cs-cart 4.3.x and lower
- Optimization Basic security addon upgardes
[4.6.2] - 26.07.2023
- Bugfix Fixed php undefined index issues
[4.6.1] - 25.07.2023
- Bugfix Fixed issue on update price list page
[4.6.0] - 19.07.2023
- New Added possibility to select features to be exported in the price
- Optimization Basic addon security updates
[4.5.2] - 12.07.2023
- New Multiple features values will be exported for each feature
[4.5.1] - 01.05.2023
- Optimization Added function to convert secret key into lower case (on some server configuration uppercase letter not works in url)
[4.5.0] - 28.04.2023
- New Added hooks for developers
- New Added seo-friendly price list url
- Bugfix Fixed php warning issue on template
[4.4.1] - 18.11.2022
- New Added possibility to add count tag with product amount
[4.4.0] - 16.11.2022
- New Added dimensions tag with box sizes parameters, if this fields is filled on the product
[4.3.3] - 08.11.2022
- New Added <count> tag with product amount value
- New Added possibility to select more than one brand to export
[4.3.2] - 28.09.2022
- Bugfix Fixed issue with disabled product variations addon
[4.3.1] - 18.07.2022
- Bugfix Fixed issue with pricelist time format
[4.3.0] - 24.06.2022
- New Added possibility to export product prices with additional margin in %
- Bugfix Security updates
[4.2.2] - 13.05.2022
- Bugfix Fixed issue with shared product variations with Ultimate edition
- New Added better compatibility with product currency addon
[4.2.1] - 04.05.2022
- Bugfix Fixed undefined variable php notice on some configurations
[4.2.0] - 25.04.2022
- Optimization Added compatibility with new Product currency addon versions
[4.1.1] - 17.03.2022
- Bugfix Fixed issue with categories condition on apply promotion price
[4.1.0] - 11.03.2022
- New Added possibility to export offers with current promotions price
- New Added possibility to export offers by brand variant
[4.0.3] - 09.09.2021
Bugfix Fixed issue with export status change for single product
[4.0.2] - 25.06.2021
- Bugfix Исправлены предупреждения php
[4.0.1] - 21.06.2021
- Bugfix Fixed issue with non root category selector
[4.0.0] - 17.06.2021
- New Rebuilded get products functions - now it work more faster
- New Added upgrade center into addon.
- Bugfix Fixed warning messages when display php error logs was enabled
[3.6.2] - 12.04.2021
- Bugfix Fixed php warning on cs-cart versions 4.12.x
[3.6.1] - 04.12.2020
- Added compatibility with cscart 4.12.1
[3.5] - 03.02.2020
- Added additional field on exported file - product weight
[3.4] - 19.12.2019
- Added possibility to not export products description and products features
[3.3] - 29.05.2019
- Added possibility to strip or leave html tags on product description fileld
[3.2.1] - 23.02.2019
- Added possibility to set default value for sales_notes field
- Added possibility to set feature id for Brand feature for every pricelist
- Removed checkbox "Sell on market". This function is deprecated on yandex.
[3.1] - 19.02.2019
- We added possibility to export prouducts combinations and variations
[3.0] - 19.10.2018
We added possibility to create more than one price lists.
[2.7.1] - 21.02.2018
We added sales note field
[2.6] - 16.11.2017
We added possibility to export model tag selecting model feature on addon settings
[2.5] - 09.11.2017
Added possibility to export products discounts
[2.4] - 11.10.2017
We added possibility to sell products on Market