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Changelog: IndexNow: instantly inform search engines about latest content changes
[1.4] - 20.03.2024
- Bugfix Fixed issue on cs-cart versions 4.9.3 and older with update category page on admin panel
- Optimization Basic security addon updates
[1.3] - 11.01.2023
- Bugfix Fixed compatibility issue with cs-cart 4.12.x and lower
- Optimization Basic security updates
[1.2] - 16.06.2022
- New Added indexNow settings to work with import process
[1.1] - 13.06.2022
- New Added functionality to send to IndexNow queue products on change category seo name
- New Added functionality to indexNow queue products on import process.
[1.0] - 30.05.2022
- Optimization First addon release