Changelog: Full page CACHE + HTML minify
[5.5.2] - 07.11.2024
- Optimization Addon function optimization for more speed
[5.5.1] - 23.08.2024
- Optimization Basic addon security updates
- Bugfix Fixed issue with detectibg store debug mode on some configurations
[5.5.0] - 25.03.2024
- New Added compatibility with 3rd party addon AB:Geopages
- Bugfix Fixed an issue with clearing the cache of individual categories in the top menu
- Optimization Cache will be disabled automatically when debug mode is enabled
[5.4.0] - 06.12.2023
- New Added compatibility with AB:SEO filters addons - seo filters pages will be cached like category page
- Bugfix Fixed php warning
- Bugfix Language translation corrected
- Optimization Basic security updates
[5.3.0] - 26.10.2023
- Bugfix Fixed issue with option "On update product, rebuild Cache where this product was show"
- New Multivendor: Added possibility to clear vendor store pages cache on any vendor POST request (any action related to saving or changing data) on vendor panel
[5.2.0] - 20.09.2023
- New Added compatibility with closed storefront
- Bugfix Fixed php warnings on some settings options combinations
[5.1.1] - 09.08.2023
- Bugfix Fixed issue on some configurations with for ajax caching
[5.1.0] - 24.07.2023
- Bugfix Fixed issue with JS minifier function
- Optimization Added build in js minifier library instead of use builded in cs-cart
This is important upgrade! Install it as soon as possible!
[5.0.0] - 19.07.2023
- Optimization Major addon rebuild for optimization
- Optimization Basic security addon updates
- New Rebuild cache logic for AJAX requests with better compatibility for another 3rd party addons.
- New Added logic of checking the relevance of the cache by the products update timestamp, thus, the products, including modified by import, can notify cache files about their irrelevance.
[4.11.1] - 24.03.2023
- Bugfix Fixed issue with products scroller block when it was excluded from cache on latest cs-cart versions
[4.11.0] - 09.03.2023
- New Added possibility to disable cache for users with products in cart
- New Added possibility to disable cache for users with products in wishlist
- New Added possibility to disable cache for users with products in compare list
[4.10.4] - 09.02.2023
- Bugfix Fixed issue with php undefined notice on some configurations
[4.10.3] - 01.02.2023
- Bugfix Fixed issue with clear cache Сron links
- New Added function to generate Сron job links depended of selected controllers
[4.10.2] - 16.01.2023
- New Added possibility to differ cache by user rate area (need when prices is differ by rate area)
- Bugfix Fixed issue with include files on some server configurations
- Bugfix Fixed issue with language translations on admin panel menu
[4.10.1] - 16.12.2022
- Bugfix Fixed issue with 0 cache life time in php 8
- Removed Turbo mode was removed from addon functionality
- Optimization Since this version, on product page will not be displayed quick navigation button on breadcrumbs block if cache is enabled for products controller
[4.9.1] - 03.10.2022
- Bugfix Fixed php undefined notice on pages without seo-url
- New Added php8.0 support
- New Added compatibility with old cs-cart 4.2.x versions
[4.9.0] - 31.08.2022
- New Added possibility to cache brands pages (features with type "Brand")
[4.8.2] - 05.08.2022
- Bugfix Fixed issue with redis auth if auth not require login
- Optimization Basic security updates
[4.8.1] - 04.08.2022
- Bugfix Fixed php warning message of undefined index
- New Now support redis auth
[4.8.0] - 24.06.2022
- New Added add-on management settings for administrator groups
- Optimization Updated add-on security
[4.7.9] - 01.04.2022
- New Added compatibility with 3rd party addons to work with WebP images
[4.7.8] - 16.03.2022
- New Added compatibility to clear cache by new reviews from Product reviews addon
[4.7.7] - 14.03.2022
- Optimization Added compatibility with age verification addon
[4.7.6] - 07.02.2022
- Bugfix Fixed issue with cscart v4.14.x with php warning on addons management page
[4.7.5] - 06.12.2021
- Optimization Added compatibility with Vivashop theme on tablet devices
[4.7.4] - 29.11.2021
- Optimization Added compatibility with Last modified addon
[4.7.3] - 17.11.2021
- New Added compatibility with current promotions status, if promotion change their status - cache will be rebuilded.
Important! Cron commands to clear cache was changed!
[4.7.2] - 25.10.2021
- Optimization Added compatibility with php v8.0
[4.7.1] - 20.07.2021
- Bugfix Fixed issue with Unitheme 2 custom settings for desktop and mobile devices lookup
[4.7.0] - 13.07.2021
- New Added possibility to save cache depending of applied user promotions
[4.6.1] - 18.06.2021
- New Added function to autoclear cache on editing block content for specific object
[4.6.0] - 15.06.2021
- New Added better view on admin panel for cs-cart v4.13.1
- New Added function to ignore Adds parameters on cache logic
[4.5.2] - 27.05.2021
Bugfix Fixed issue with addon fresh installation
[4.5.1] - 26.05.2021
- New Added additional compatibility with theme Unitheme 2
[4.5.0] - 13.05.2021
Bugfix Detect Mobile devices library upgraded
[4.4.9] - 19.04.2021
- Bugfix Added stability addon work with 3rd party addons
[4.4.8] - 07.04.2021
- Bugfix Fixed issue on javascript minifer
[4.4.7] - 12.01.2021
- For Multivendor: Added clear automatically vendor pages cache after editing layouts
[4.4.6] - 24.12.2020
- Fixed issue with Unitheme 2 on cs-cart v4.12.1
[4.4.5] - 21.12.2020
- Fixed issue with clear cache with ?no_cache parameter on products.newest and products.on_sale modes
- Fixed isseu with https redirection created via admin panel on FPC turbo mode.
[4.4.4] - 15.12.2020
- Added compatibility with Unitheme 2 on cscart v4.12.1
[4.4.3] - 08.12.2020
- Multivendor companies pages fixed issue with no_cache parameter
[4.4.2] - 04.12.2020
- Added compatibiluty with Multivendor 4.12.1
Install this upgarde urgent if you use addon on Multivendor 4.12.1
[4.4.1] - 18.11.2020
- Added compatibility with Alexbranding Antibot and Extended metadata addons.
- Fixed php warning
[4.4] - 16.11.2020
- Added compatibility with Alexbranding Antibot and Extended metadata addons.
[4.3.2] - 04.11.2020
- Added new hook on the function fn_csc_full_page_cache_render_block_content_after() to better easy connection for customizations
[4.3.1] - 25.09.2020
- Fixed issue with seo addon canonical link on some websites configuration
Strongly recommended to install this addon version
[4.3] - 07.08.2020
- Fixed add-on issue when some different page content detected as same data.
Strongly recommended to install it!
- Fixed add-on issue when some different page content detected as same data.
[4.2.2] - 07.07.2020
- Fixed compatibility issue with 3rd party addons - on some situations cache was not working
[4.2.1] - 22.06.2020
- Added more compatibility with some website customizations.
[4.2] - 29.05.2020
- Added logic for compatibility with some 3rd party addons.
- Rebuilded Redis cache logic for better perfomance
[4.1.1] - 27.05.2020
- Added compatibility with some 3rd party addons used ajax request
[4.1] - 14.05.2020
- Fixed canonical meta link generation issue
- Added cache clearing when changing the status of objects (products, categories)
- Added cache clearing when leaving a review or its approval by admin for goods, categories, store pages and text pages (including a blog)
Recommended to install this add-on version
[4.0.1] - 04.05.2020
- New add-on generation with build in upgrade center. Starting this version you will receive add-on upgrades instant with simply installation process.
- Changed logic of cache actualization on update products, pages, categories, companies. Now it works more precise and actualize only files needs to change. Example: If product was deleted- only categories cache of this product will be actualized. In general - more speed for your store.
Strongly recommended to install!
[3.8.1] - 06.04.2020
- Fixed issue on Multivendor edition on catalog mode of companies
[3.8] - 08.01.2020
- Added stability fix with products sortings params for each user conbination selection
We strongly recommend to install this addon version.
[3.7] - 19.08.2019
- Added compatibility with stores uses Twigmo app
- Fixed an issue with stores with multiple storefronts
- Fixed an issue when some stores returns blank page from cache
We recommend to install this addon version.
[3.6] - 24.06.2019
- Fixed an issue with 4.10.1 on turbo mode
[3.5] - 20.06.2019
- Added compatibility with cs-cart 4.10.x
- Some compatibilty bugs fixed with cs-cart version 4.3.3 and lower
[3.4] - 15.05.2019
- Added universal compatibilty with 3rd party addons for customizations on search results page
[3.3] - 05.03.2019
- Fixed issue with recently viewed products. (If page was cached without block - than it will not appeared)
- Added compatibility with Alexbranding addon "Seo for tags"
[3.2] - 23.02.2019
- Added possibility to cache Tags pages
- Fixed an issue with redis - if user set 0 on expiry time - cache has expired immediately
- Fixed an issue with recently viewed products blocks
[3.1] - 31.01.2019
- Added possibility to store cache on Redis.
- Added possibility to set permissions to clear FP cache
- Added possibility to minify html and js separately
- Added compatibility with 3rd party add-n AB:SEO filters
[3.0] - 28.12.2018
We have made a lot of changes on this version:
- Added HTML Minify;
- Added turbo mode (additional 25% speed);
- Add-on settings pages was rebuild;
- Additional settings possibilities like user-groups cache, logged users cache and etc;
Version 3.0.1 - 3.0.4, 3.0.6 Some issues fixed with turbo mode.
Version 3.0.5 - Fixed Issue with clicks from google or yandex adds:click identifier saved in FP cache -
[2.5] - 28.09.2018
Added hooks to connect to add-on via other add-ons.
Added possibility to disable cache to logged users -
[2.4] - 06.09.2018
Fixed error: In some situations possible cause DB error
[1.7] - 20.03.2018
We have added caconical URL generation for cached pages