Cart is empty
Changelog: Features combine add-on
[2.3.0] - 30.12.2024
- Optimization Basic security addon updates
[2.2.1] - 02.04.2021
- Bugfix Fixed issue on addon installation process.
[2.2] - 29.01.2021
- Added possibility to remove some cgars on features variants name on combine process
[2.1] - 25.01.2021
- Added internal name on feature combine for versions 4.12.1 and highter
[2.0] - 18.01.2021
- Added compatibility with cs-cart 4.12.1
- Added build in upgrade center. Starting from this addon version you can install new addon version direclty from your admin panel.
[1.3] - 20.01.2020
- Fixed issue with disabled checkbox "Combine only with products" values was created only with products
[1.2] - 15.01.2020
- Optimized combine with big data process saving server resourses
[1.1] - 19.11.2019
- Fixed an issue with multilanguage sites