August news digest
TOP 5 bestsellers
Updated add-ons
Reason for status change
05/08/2024 v.1.0.2
- [!] Fixed issue with saving addon settings for multiple storefronts
Marked orders
06/08/2024 v.2.1
- [!] Fixed issue with addon settings table
Hide categories without products
07/08/2024 v.1.3.3
- [!] Fixed issue on Ultimatge editions with saving category hidden status
Product shipping methods add-on
12/08/2024 v.3.6.2
- [*] Basic security addon updates.
- [!] Fixed an issue with grouping shipping methods if a product still has a shipping method that was previously removed.
Address fields autocomplete
13/08/2024 v.3.2.0
- [+] Added possibility to fill house number on separate field
One page checkout
20/08/2024 v.4.2.3
- [!] Fixed issue with promocode field when block is inside shipping methods
Admin panel color scheme add-on
21/08/2024 v.3.0.2
- [*] Basic security updates.
- [!] Fixed merging of colors of the number of products element on the Categories page.
22/08/2024 v.3.0.3
26/08/2024 v.3.0.4
- [!] Fixed styles for input with disabled attribute.
Full page CACHE + HTML minify
23/08/2024 v.5.5.1
- [*] Basic addon security updates
- [!] Fixed issue with detectibg store debug mode on some configurations
SMS notifications
23/08/2024 v.1.1.1
- [!] Fixed incompatibility issue with cs-cart 4.12.x and lower
- [*] Basic security addon updates
30/08/2024 v.1.1.2
- [!] Fixed compatibility issue with cs-cart 4.12.x and lower versions
Recycle bin of admin panel
27/08/2024 v.2.0.2
- [!] Fixed issue when addon completely stop working on some configurations
- [*] Basic addon security updates
Order changes history
28/08/2024 v.2.3.0
- [+] Added possibility to find orders where notes was edited (only orders placed after upgarde is installed)
- [*] Basic addon security updates
Live Search with Search History
28/08/2024 v.8.2.0
- [+] Added possibility to setup min chars to show products on search results page
- [*] Basic security addon updates
29/08/2024 v.8.2.1
- [!] Fixed issue with settings translation value
- [!] Fixed issue with min characters to show search values when is set to 0