April news digest


New add-ons

TOP 5 bestsellers

Updated add-ons

Real Time notifications add-on

02/04/2024 v.3.7.1
  • [+] Added new sound Police siren
15/04/2024 v.3.7.2
  • [+] The favicon will blink when there are new orders or messages in the tab
  • [*] Improved stability of receiving notifications on a collapsed tab

Attention! Some browsers do not play sound on a tab if the user has not interacted with the site. To resolve this issue, go to your browser settings, site permissions, and set “Allowed” for “Sound” permission.

Add products to cart by link

03/04/2024 v.1.0
  • [*] First add-on release

Prohibition on simultaneous editing of an order

03/04/2024 v.1.1
  • [+] Added function to prevent update order status or nots on order details page if order is editing with another administrator

One page checkout

04/04/2024 v.4.1.2
  • [*] Fixed minor styles issue on some website themes

Live Search with Search History

04/04/2024 v.8.0.2
  • [!] Fixed issue with search speedup indexing when Redis library not installed on the server

FAQ addon (questions and answers)

10/04/2024 v.4.0.0
  • [+] Added global FAQ pages in the admin panel, in the vendor panel, on the storefront.

Vendor images gallery (Multivendor)

12/04/2024 v.2.2.2
  • [!] Fixed data caching problem on the vendor's page

Multistatuses: additional order statuses

15/04/2024 v.1.0.2
  • [!] Fixed template incompatibility with cs-cart versions 4.14.x and older
26/04/2024 v.1.1.0
  • [+] Added import/export of multistatuses

Order files attachments

18/04/2024 v.5.0.0
  • [+] Added the ability to upload files by the customer (in the settings you need to select “Allow customers to attach files”, the customer can delete his files).
  • [+] Administrators can add notes to files (in the addon settings you can select “Show notes to customers” so that notes are displayed on the storefront). 
  • [*] When deleting an order, the files will also be deleted. In the addon settings you need to select “When deleting an order, delete files”. 
  • [*] Added the ability to delete multiple files in an order.
  • [*] Basic security addon updates.

Last Modified

18/04/2024 v.2.0.2
  • [!] Correcting errors during ajax requests

Product sales history add-on

22/04/2024 v.2.3.0
  • [+] Added the ability to display the number of product sales on the "Products" page. (Using advanced search)
  • [+] Added "Add-on upgrades" block with subscription relevance.
  • [*] Basic security addon updates.

Phone mask (Google style)

25/04/2024 v.1.7.0
  • [+] Added "Add-on upgrades" block with subscription relevance.
  • [*] Basic security addon updates.

Change images on hover

25/04/2024 v.2.3.0
  • [*] Basic security addon updates.

Product code generator

29/04/2024 v.3.4.0
  • [*] Basic security addon updates.

Product name length

30/04/2024 v.2.2.0
  • [+] Added "Add-on upgrades" block with subscription relevance.
  • [*] Basic security addon updates.

Multilanguage editing

30/04/2024 v.1.0.1
  • [*] Removed unnecessary addon settings item.
  • [*] Changed the name of the addon to "Multilanguage editing".